Premium Mycorrhizal Inoculant Wallace Organic Wonder

$ 24.95



Wallace Organic Wonder Mycorrhizal Inoculant is a super - concentrated, fast - growing, organic, single species of Endo Mycorrhizal Fungi containing only Rhizophagus Intraradices. formally known as Glomus intraradices. Containing a minimum of 145,000 propagules / pound. Always fresh and alive ! 

Buy One, one pound bag of WOW Premium Mycorrhizae get a second bag at 15% off! Discount applied at checkout. Limited time only.  

Why do we only use “Endo?”  Because Ecto Mycorrhizae have NO BENEFICIAL effect on any vegetables, fruits, flowers or herbs. Ecto Mycorrhizae are used on Conifers  (cone-bearing) and Oak trees.  Why does Wallace Organic Wonder only use "Single Species Endo Mycorrhizae?"Because single species Rhizophagus Intraradices (Endo Mycorrhizae) outperform all other species in a nutrient and organic environment, eliminating rootzone competition, and are the fastest and most aggressive colonizing mycorrhizae in the world.  One of the many benefits of WOW Mycorrhizae is it will make phosphorus available to plants. Up to 90% of phosphorus in soils is unavailable to the plant, with colonization the increase in phosphorus leads directly to robust root development and higher yields. 

Great for Vegetables, Flowers, Fruits, Herbs & Cannabis

 Adding Trichoderma and other microbes into a product is not advised as NOT all organisms get along. 

WOW Mycorrhizal Inoculant has helped grow 16 Guinness World Records!

In 2019 Steve Marley from Clinton, NY grows a world record 9.65 pound tomato with the help of WOW Premium Mycorrhizae! See historic video below.

Mycorrhizal Fungi are an organic beneficial organisms, also known as mycorrhizae, that live on the roots of plants. Field trials show, once established, Wallace Organic Wonder’s Premium Mycorrhizal Inoculant will dramatically enhance the root system of your plants, increasing nutrient and water capacity and maximizing yields. Standard root systems can’t simply reach pockets of nutrients and water without the “super – mining” effects that mycorrhizal gives to your plants.  Highly effective and proven to work, WOW Premium Mycorrhizal Inoculant granular provides a biological connection between roots and nutrients present in the soil and has been specially formulated to provide maximum benefits to agricultural and horticultural crops.

Scroll down to see our outstanding customer reviews!

Best applied with root contact, at seed furrowing and transplants

 WOW Mycorrhizal Inoculant has helped grow 16 World Records!

Use at time of planting, when transplanting or add to established plants.

Wallace Organic Wonder’s premium and concentrated mycorrhizae also aid in the following:  


  • Increased flowering, fruiting and yield 
  • Reduced transplant shock
  • Does not contain any GMO'S.
  • Increased water, nutrient storage and uptake
  • Increased root growth
  • Increase plant establishment and survival at seeding or transplanting.
  • Increases the rate of photosynthesis and hence improves plant growth, productivity and yield
  • Reduced Drought Stress
  • Produce more vigorous and healthy plants
  • Higher resistance to various soil and root-borne pathogens
  • Can be used in synthetic and organic fertilizer programs


  • Extensive root system Increases plant biomass and yield by up to 300%.
  • Helps in soil conservation and soil structure stabilization, thus restoring land productivity
  • Higher transplanting success
  • Increased plant health and stress tolerance
  • Enhanced water and nutrient uptake


      • Drought stress
      • Water and fertilizer needs


      Click here to read entire label

      Mycorrhizal Propagules

      World Record Tomato Video

      Could giant pumpkins carry the secret to better crop yields ...

      Ron on Kelly & Michael

      CBS News Ron Wallace Giant Pumpkin

      USA Today Ron Wallace Giant Pumpkin

      CNN Ron Wallace Giant Pumpkin

      Mycorrhiza also releases a glue – like substance into the soil (Glomalin) which greatly improves a soils structure and water holding capacity. Use on vegetables, flowers fruits and herbs.

        In 2024 8 of the top 10 pumpkins grown in the world used WOW Premium Mycorrhizal Inoculant.

        Mycorrhizal fungi benefits are endless. Mycorrhiza provides plants with the greatest benefit for the smallest amount of dollars and input. A single mycorrhizal inoculation is capable of transforming the ordinary garden into a WOW garden! Mycorrhizal Fungi should be purchased as “fresh” as possible. Wallace Organic Wonder offers the “freshest” mycorrhizal inoculant on the web!

       Great plants get their start from an aggressive root system, an aggressive root system starts with Wallace Organic Wonder’s Mycorrhizal Inoculant!

      Could giant pumpkins carry the secret to better crop yields ...

      To learn more about Mycorrhizal fungi, click here

      Click here to check out the White Page discussing Mycorrhiza Primer more in Depth!

      Click here to read the WOW Premium Mycorrhizal Analysis

      Directions for Use: Mycorrhizal inoculants MUST be applied on or near newly developing roots. 

      Potting Soil, Soil Amendments and Coco:

      Mix 1 pound per 4 cu. ft, 8 pounds per cu yard, or 20 pounds per 70 cu ft (1 pallet) thoroughly into the medium assuring that an abundant amount is present in the root zone. Be sure to add 1-2 teaspoons per plant site in addition to your amending process.

      Broadcast and incorporate by tilling or hand mixing into the soil with the seed.

      Application Rates:

      Cuttings & Starts - Transplanting - Cannabis: Add 1-2 tbsp. per plant site (1 scoop) ensuring direct root contact. *1-2 tsp. for rock wool cubes.

      Nursery Applications: Sowing medium, thoroughly mix 5-10 pounds per yard. 

      Transplant potting medium: Incorporate at a rate of 2.5 to 5 pounds per yard.

      Seed Starting- (Small bags) Mix 6oz per 1.5 cu ft of seed starter.

      Vegetable transplants & direct seeding: Onions, peppers, tomatoes, cucurbits: Sidedress or incorporate into seedbeds at a rate of 5-10 pounds per acre.

      In ground & raised bed planting: Place 1-2 tablespoon below transplant roots, backfill with soil and water plant.

      Field & Cover Crops: Hemp, soybeans, cereals: Apply 5-10 pounds per acre. Apply through seed drill, side-dress or broadcast, and disk into root zone prior to sowing. 

      New Seed or Sod Applications - Apply at a rate of 5 lbs per 1,000 sq ft onto the surface of the prepared soil and place sod or broadcast seed. After broadcasting seed, rake or mix seed and inoculum into the top 1 inch of soil.

      Turf and Golf Greens - Broadcast evenly at a rate of 5 lbs per 1,000 sq ft after “Power Raking/ Vert-slicing”, “Core/Punching” or “Scalping”. Sweep inoculant into the divots or slits to assure contact with roots.

      Each 1 pound bag contains 2.5 cups  ( Approximately 38 Tablespoons) of  Premium Mycorrrhizal Inoculant. 1 pound can treat up to 100 plants. See label for full coverage directions.



      1 - 3 gallon container: 1 - 2 tablespoons

      5 - 7 gallon container: 4 - 6 tablespoons

      10 - 20 gallon container: 1/2 cup

      25 - 50 gallon container: 1 cup

      100 gallon container: 2 cups

      Existing Plants: Make holes 2 - 4 inches deep and 6 inches apart. Add 1 - 2 teaspoons to holes, backfill and water.

      Giant Pumpkin Directions:

      New Plantings- Mix approximately 1/4 cup into planting hole.

      Vine Burying- Mix approximately 1 teaspoon under each leaf stem where rooting is promoted. Recommended to mix with Azos powder. 


      Customer Reviews