TerraTrove™ MT-17 2.5 Gallons

$ 89.95

TerraTrove™ MT-17 is formulated to be used in conjunction with bulk organic inputs such as manure, compost, and green manures. Its use maximizes the benefits from applying these materials. Best used as a broadcast application on the soil in spring, either preplant or immediately after planting. Also can be blended with maures, compost or other carbon materials for faster breakdown and capturing free nutrients.

  • ​Hastens breakdown of crop residues, composts, and manures
  • Improves soil conditions for better plant establishment, and greater root mass
  • Optimizes soil conditions to increase crop tolerance to abiotic stress

Application Crops:

All row and field crops, commodity crops, and specialty fruits and vegetables. See complete product label for complete list and more information.


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