Compost Tea Brews, Seaweed Powder, and Humic Fulvic Acid
Compost Tea, Wonder Brew: Compost tea is an easy-to-use, all-natural organic fertilizer and soil accelerator.
Soluble Humic and Fulvic Acid is a dry, 100 % soluble humate powder that comes in 1,5,10, and 55 pound bags. WOW Dry soluble 80 Organic Humic and Fulvic Acid is an entirely soluble product that dissolves readily in water to create liquid humic solutions.
From The Cold Waters of the North Atlantic, Super Concentrated! Soluble Seaweed
Soluble seaweed is a great choice for those who do not want to use synthetic rooting compounds or for those who want to feed their plants more than 70 minerals, vitamins, and enzymes. Provides natural plant hormones and micronutrients to your crops. These compounds are known to accelerate growth, increase flowering and fruiting, intensify color, and provide resistance to disease, insects, drought, and frost.