Companion Maxx 2-0-1 Wallace Organic Wonder

$ 49.95


Companion®  Maxx Liquid combines the power of Bacillus  subtilis to convert the complex form of essential nutrients to a simple form used by plant roots. This product’s bacterium enhances nutrient uptake and the kelp provides a source of potash and food for beneficial microbes. The ingredients in Companion® Maxx work together to improve overall soil nutrition for plant growth.

  • Liquid formulation with Bacillus subtilis

  • Enhances nutrient uptake

Application Plant Types: Turf grass, lawn care, hydroseeding, golf courses, sports turf, trees, shrubs, greenhouse & nursery ornamental plants.

Companion's  Also acts a Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacterium (PGPR) and bio-stimulant. It naturally encourages plant growth and produces better rooting, branching and flowering on plants.

Companion's safety level as a fungicide is unsurpassed. It has a low 0 - 4 hours REI for workers, is non-toxic to beneficial insects, and has no phytotoxicity for crops.

Targeted diseases:

  • Phytophthora
  • Pythium
  • Fusarium
  • Rhizoctonia
  • Sclerotinia 
  • Xanthomonas campestris   


How to use Companion®

Hydroponics – Mix 1 ounce per 30 gallons, every 2 weeks (or at each reservoir change)

Soil Apply 2 teaspoons per gallon, every 2-3 weeks

Foliar Spray: – Use 2 teaspoons per quart, every 7 days

Greenhouse and foliar spray — 16 fluid ounces per 100 gallons.

Cuttings dip — 1 to 2 ounces per gallon

Drench rate - 8-16 ounces in 100 gallons of water

Companion Maxx Fungicide Label 

CBS News Ron Wallace Giant Pumpkin

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