RootShield Plus Granules

$ 548.00

Description: RootShield Plus Granules Biological Fungicide is a preventative biological fungicide for control of soilborne plant pathogens and plant root diseases. The active ingredients are microbes, Trichoderma harzianum Rifai strain T-22 and Trichoderma virens strain G-41, which when applied as an inoculant to soil or to planting mixes, grow onto plant roots as they develop and provide protection against plant root pathogens such as Pythium, Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia, Fusarium, Cylindrocladium and Thielaviopsis.

 RootShield Plus Granules Biological Fungicide can be used in combination with or in rotation with other fungicides, insecticides, miticides, fertilizers or micronutrients in accordance with the most restrictive of label limitations and precautions. Do not exceed label dosage rates. This product cannot be used with any product containing a label prohibition against such mixing.

 This product is not compatible with chemicals that contain the following active ingredients: imazilil, propicanazole, tebuconazole, and triflumizole. Do not apply RootShield Plus Granules Biological Fungicide immediately before these pesticides are used. Where early season seed rot and seedling diseases are expected, use chemically treated seed or other appropriate measures for stand establishment and RootShield Plus Granules Biological Fungicide for root disease control.

 Application: Apply RootShield PLUS early, before roots have emerged or fully developed. The actively growing fungi form a “shield” by growing around the roots. Forming that “shield” right away is key to preventing pathogens from damaging the roots. RootShield PLUS will protect plugs, cuttings, liners, and all container plants. Incorporate into media. RootShield PLUS Granules is compatible with all soils, all soil-less media including peat-, bark- and coir based mixes, as well as substrates used in hydroponic growing.

Benefits & Features:

  • Grows in soil and on roots, shields roots from pathogens
  • Seeks out, attacks and eats fungal pathogens
  • Induces host resistance
  • Active over wide temperature range (48-97 °F/9-36 °C)
  • Grows in wide pH range (pH 4-8)
  • Compatible with many chemical and biological inputs
  • Well suited to a wide range of soil types
  • Enhances nutrient uptake
  • Helps plants resist/overcome abiotic stresses and transplant shock
  • Does not interfere with beneficial insects
  • Exempt from residue
  • Excellent tool for fungicide resistance management

Application Rate:  Add 3-pounds per 1,000 sq ft. Tilled into soil.

Rate per yd: 1- 3 pounds

Rate per ft: 2 Tbs - 5.5 Tbs

Cannabis: Incorporate into growing media 1.5 lb/1 cu yd of mix • 3 Tbl/1 cu ft of mix.

For seed starting:  Add 3-TBSP per 1-cubic foot of seed starting mixture.

Potted container media: Rate per cubic yard: 2 lb Rate per cubic foot: 1 oz

RootShield Plus+ Granules Label

RootShield Plus Additional Information

Product Compatibility

OMRI Listing


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